Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 1, 2008 Net Worth

Well, our net worth did next to nothing last month. What extra we paid on the house was pretty much off set by how much the stock market went down and Susan's IRA last month.

Net Worth: 118,381.53 up 0.21% from the previous month.

Net Worth w/o House: 62,393.41 down 4.82% from the previous month.

Net Worth w/o IRA: 25,967.07 down 9.72% from the previous month.

But since October 1st, the numbers look like:

Net Worth up 18.87%.
Net Worth w/o House: -2.90%
Net Worth w/o IRA: 1.56%

Since I have been tracking, we have yet to have a month where the net worth went down. I know that month will come, and it almost did this month (the intrest the money market account draws is what put is in the positive).

My main goal as far as this goes is to increase the Net Worth at least 50% in 2008. That would add another 59,000 to the net worth. My stretching goal is to have the net worth up above 200,000 before the end of the year. That would be an increase of close to 70% in 2008. I really think that is doable. Might not be easy, but that is what a stretch goal is suppose to be.

Pretty soon the (July or August) we will have the entire equity of the house to list, so that will be a very good thing. After we pay off the house, the change of investments will be going way up, so the other 2 numbers will start playing a bigger role.

My plan is to go in 3000 dollars increments, simply because a lot of the funds that we are looking at have an initial investment requirement of 3000. We will save 3000 and then buy a mutual/index fund for 3000, and keep on doing that until we have a diversified portfolio. Once we do that, we will use 3000 as the base to get the percentages right by investing more in the funds that we want to get to the "right" percentages. That's our diversification plan for right now. We will have to take Susan's IRA into account to decide what funds we want to buy at first.

We are almost to the fun part....only about 7 more months to go!!!!

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